Facing DUI Charges in Alabama?
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can lead to serious criminal consequences. Following an arrest, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended for several months, and you have only a limited amount of time to challenge the suspension. You could also face jail time, probation, fines and other penalties.
If you are facing DUI charges and are in need of defense, now is the time to contact the Law Offices of Johnathan L. Williams for a Birmingham DUI Attorney who can stand up for your constitutional rights.
Contact us immediately at 205.573.4752 to schedule a FREE in-person DUI case evaluation with the Law Offices of Johnathan L. Williams, Birmingham DUI Attorney.
Potential Defenses to DUI Charges

Was there probable cause to pull you over?

Did the officer read you your Miranda rights?

Were field sobriety tests administered correctly?

Was medication, certain foods, or certain products to blame for a false positive?
Being arrested for a DUI charge does not mean you are automatically guilty or that the police officer properly collected evidence against you. There are many potential defenses to DUI that can be used to challenge any evidence against you, so it’s crucial to have an experienced advocate on your side to look for any defense against your specific case. These are only a few examples of common DUI defenses.

Law Offices of Johnathan L. Williams, LLC


1 Independence Drive
Suite #305
Birmingham, AL 35209

Phone Number